viernes, 30 de noviembre de 2012


We had to make a scary movie for English. We had a lot of fun and we had few problems. In my group we were: Pedro Gómez, Marta Fraile, Elena Pérez, Víctor Burgos, Miguel Paúl and me, Juan Antonio Rodríguez. 

Our idea was that the world was habited by zombies, but there were three survivals who were lost. They were hungry, they didn't have any food to eat, so they looked for it..

We recorded The second of november,  in Victor's house and  in Zaudin. We recorded in two hours.

All of us had to have make up, to transform ourselves into  zombies. You should have seen us!jajaj

We did not have any problems because all of us could record at any moment. We recorded each scene several times because we laughed a lot. 

I have worked very well with my classmates. I hope to repeat this experience again as an actor. It was AWESOME!.

Here you have the film and the script, I hope you enjoy it!

Pedroà Mike 
Elena:                        This is the actual world. Forget about your life. Now the important thing is survive. No matter what you do, no matter what you say.
Juanan:         Few people are still alive, small groups keep trying to find a place to live and some food to eat. And all of them are looking for the same thing...

(Countryside anywhere)
Marta:           The city was supposed to be here… We’ll never find it!
Pedro:           Just behind us!
Marta:           Aaahhh!!!
(Few minutes later)
Pedro:           Hey guys, look at that!
Miguel:         We have to go, we need to find some food.
Marta:           That’s a good idea.
(At the door)
Miguel:         What the hell, what’s that?
Pedro:           Bah, that’s Chinese!
Marta:           No… I think it’s Spanish.
Miguel:         F****** Chinese!
(At street)
Pedro: Heyy!
Miguel:         What have you found?
Pedro:           It’s a camera.
Miguel:         A really good camera!
Pedro:           Say hello!!
Marta:           Hello!
Miguel:         Hello! I’m hungry man.
Marta:           Let’s look for food in that house.
Pedro:           Ok, stay here. I’ll check out.
Pedro:           Oh! So lucky. It’s opened.
Mmm… it’s closed. This house looks abandoned. It seems like if zombies have lived here for a long time.
Oh shit!!
Marta:           Something is wrong.
Miguel:         Let’s go in. I’m going to see what’s up with Mike.
Marta:           I’m going to take some food.
(Marta opens the door and shouts)
Marta:           Ahhhhhhhhh!!!!
(At the same time)
Miguel:         What!? Mike!! Oh my god, they are everywhere.
Miguel:         Many things have changed. This is the future.
Victor:           This is a difficult world. If someone falls down, keep running, or you will die, they will eat you.
Miguel:         Cities are yours, you are alone.
Victor:           Forget about your friends and love.
Miguel:         Don’t forget you are the only human.


 Writingà All of us.
DesigningàMarta and Elena.
English checkerà Pedro


I want to say thanks for new technologies because nowadays we can do things that in the past we can't.

Right now, we can have internet out of our houses in our mobile phones. If you want to look for information when you are out of your house.

New technologies also allow us to see our friends by using a webcam and instant messaging over the Internet, through programmes like skype.

It also allows us to play games consoles, that has good graphics, and games seem very real. Many children have it at home, even adults  play with games consoles.

This is part of new technologies, which make us live better, and for this I'm so grateful! Thanks.